How Do You Keep Wasps Away from a Swimming Pool: Effective Tips and Strategies

Wasps can quickly turn a fun day at the pool into an unpleasant experience. They are attracted to water, especially during the hot summer months, when they seek moisture to cool their nests and hydrate themselves. If you have a swimming pool, chances are you’ve encountered these uninvited guests buzzing around. While wasps generally do not sting unless provoked, their presence near your pool can be unnerving. This article provides effective strategies for keeping wasps away from your swimming pool to ensure a safer and more enjoyable environment.

1. Understanding Why Wasps Are Attracted to Swimming Pools

Before delving into preventive measures, it is essential to understand why wasps are drawn to your swimming pool in the first place.

  • Water Source: Wasps need water to regulate the temperature in their nests, especially on hot days. Your swimming pool provides a convenient and accessible water source for them.
  • Sweet Scents: Chlorine-treated water can sometimes produce a slightly sweet scent, attracting wasps. Additionally, sugary drinks and food near the pool can draw them in.
  • Nesting Areas: Wasps often build nests in nearby bushes, eaves, or under pool decks, making your pool area a prime location for them to hang around.

Knowing these factors can help in planning targeted strategies to deter wasps effectively.

2. Regular Pool Maintenance

Maintaining your pool properly is one of the first steps in keeping wasps away. Here’s how pool maintenance can help:

  • Cover the Pool When Not in Use: One of the most effective ways to prevent wasps from accessing the water is to use a pool cover. This not only keeps wasps out but also prevents other debris like leaves and insects from falling into the pool.
  • Use Pool Cleaners: Regularly skim the pool’s surface to remove dead insects and organic matter. Wasps are more likely to be attracted to dirty water, so keeping the pool clean reduces the likelihood of attracting them.
  • Proper Chemical Balance: Wasps may be drawn to water with an improper chemical balance. Ensure that your pool’s pH and chlorine levels are within the recommended range to make the water less appealing.

3. Create Physical Barriers

Creating barriers can discourage wasps from coming near the pool area:

  • Pool Enclosure or Screen: Installing a screened enclosure around the pool can keep out wasps and other pests. This not only provides a physical barrier but also creates a shaded area, making the pool more enjoyable on hot days.
  • Wasps Traps: Set up wasp traps around the pool area. Commercially available wasp traps contain attractants that lure wasps into the trap, where they cannot escape. You can also make DIY traps using a mixture of water, sugar, and dish soap in a container with a small opening.
  • Floating Pool Devices: Use floating devices in the pool, such as inflatable pool toys, that move slightly in the water. The movement can make it harder for wasps to land and drink from the pool, deterring them from hovering around.

4. Reduce Attractants in the Pool Area

Removing factors that attract wasps is crucial:

  • Remove Standing Water: Aside from the pool itself, eliminate other sources of standing water around your yard, such as bird baths, puddles, or water-filled containers. Wasps are attracted to these water sources and might be lured toward your pool.
  • Avoid Bright Colors and Strong Scents: Wasps are attracted to bright colors and strong floral or fruity scents. Encourage swimmers to avoid wearing brightly colored swimwear or using fragrant lotions, shampoos, or perfumes when near the pool.
  • Store Food and Drinks Properly: Wasps are drawn to sugary foods and beverages. If you plan to have snacks or drinks near the pool, store them in sealed containers and clean up spills promptly to avoid attracting wasps.

5. Natural Deterrents

Natural remedies can be an effective and non-toxic way to repel wasps:

  • Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and citronella, are known to repel wasps. Mix a few drops of these oils with water and spray the mixture around the pool area. You can also place cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil near the pool to keep wasps at bay.
  • Plant Wasp-Repelling Plants: Planting wasp-repellent plants like peppermint, eucalyptus, citronella, and wormwood around the pool area can act as a natural deterrent. These plants emit scents that wasps dislike, discouraging them from coming near.
  • Cucumber Slices: Wasps are reportedly repelled by the smell of cucumber. Place cucumber slices around the pool area to create a natural, non-toxic barrier that can help keep wasps away.

6. Wasp Nest Removal

One of the most effective ways to control wasp activity is to remove their nests:

  • Locate and Remove Nests: Check the areas around the pool, including trees, bushes, eaves, and pool equipment, for wasp nests. If you find any nests, consider contacting a professional pest control service to remove them safely. Attempting to remove nests on your own can be dangerous, as wasps can become aggressive and sting.
  • Regular Inspections: Perform regular inspections of the pool area and surrounding property to spot potential nesting sites early. Early detection allows for easier and safer removal, preventing a large wasp population from establishing near your pool.

7. Use Commercial Wasp Repellents

If natural methods are not effective enough, consider using commercial wasp repellents:

  • Wasp-Repellent Sprays: There are sprays available that create a barrier around areas where wasps are unwanted. Use these sprays on pool furniture, umbrellas, and other areas where wasps might land.
  • Automatic Misting Systems: Install automatic misting systems designed to release wasp-repellent solutions at regular intervals. These systems can be programmed to spray during times when wasps are most active, usually during the day.

8. Electronic Wasp Deterrents

Electronic devices can also help to keep wasps away:

  • Ultrasonic Pest Repellers: Ultrasonic pest repellers emit sound waves that are unpleasant to wasps and other pests, deterring them from the area. These devices are safe for humans and pets and can be placed near the pool area to keep wasps away.
  • Water Sprinklers with Motion Sensors: Wasps do not like getting wet. Installing motion-activated sprinklers around the pool area can startle and deter wasps when they attempt to approach. This not only keeps wasps away but also adds an extra layer of security around the pool.

9. Timing Your Pool Use

Lastly, consider the timing of your pool activities to minimize interactions with wasps:

  • Swim During Off-Peak Wasp Hours: Wasps are typically most active during the daytime, especially when it’s sunny and warm. Swimming in the early morning or late evening can reduce the chances of encountering wasps around the pool.


Keeping wasps away from your swimming pool requires a combination of preventive measures, maintenance, and natural deterrents. By understanding why wasps are attracted to your pool and implementing strategies such as maintaining proper pool hygiene, creating physical barriers, and using natural or commercial repellents, you can significantly reduce their presence. With these tips, you can enjoy a wasp-free poolside experience, making your outdoor time both safer and more relaxing.

Always keep in mind that while wasps can be a nuisance, they play an important role in the ecosystem. The goal is not to harm them but to create an environment around your pool that discourages their presence. If you encounter a severe wasp problem, consider consulting with a pest control professional for safe and effective nest removal and management.

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